takafumi ide

my first Kickstarter project was failed

Thank you for all of you who made pledges for my Kickstarter project.
 Kickstarter プロジェクトへご協力していただいた方々、本当にありがとうございました。
Unfortunately, I couldn’t raise the fund up to my goal $1,000 this time…, therefore, your pledges won’t be withdrawn from Amazon Payment.
 残念ながら、今回の寄付の呼びかけは合計プレッジが目標額$1,000には至らず…、よって、Amazon Paymentからの引き落としもないものとなるでしょう。

I appreciate your help and support.
The best experience through the Kickstarter project was the fact that I could connect more people whom I have never had chance to know and to be known.

Thank you very much!
