takafumi ide

breathe, 2009




breathe, 2009

  • 20” x 7” x 7”
  • October 2009. SAC Gallery, Stony Brook, NY
  • No sound by artist.
  • 6.3-volt light bulb, original circuit, paper cup, and wood.
  • — sound info —
    sound source: audience imagination
    light edit: Takafumi Ide

Your loved one is sleeping in front of you with oxygen mask.
You know she is okay, but you want to hear her voice.

I have often been in the similar situation since 2007.
Only difference is the fact that I can’t stand by her, who lives far from me.

breathe represents my feeling in the situation.
No sound, but the light is slowly blinking, wishing forever.

Text by Takafumi Ide, August 2010