takafumi ide

generate, 2008







generate, 2008

  • 42” x 84” x 10”
  • October 2008. University Art Gallery, Stony Brook, NY
  • Single channel interval sound.
    74 seconds interval.
  • Ash, burnished lumber, CD player, felt, metal, naked 12v bulb, original circuit, speaker, speaker wire, telephone cable, and vinyl record.
  • — sound info —
    sound source: noise from a vinyl record published on August 9th, 1945
    sound edit: Takafumi Ide

generate came through my personal memory of my grandmother. The subject for this project became the idea of sharing her life in the turbulent social conditions from 1910 to 2008. The vinyl was recorded in 1945; the end of WWII. Under the vinyl, there is a naked light bulb, activated by the endless noise. Ash is heaped up under the light, which gives a sense of death.

Text by Takafumi Ide, June 2009