takafumi ide

Author: admin

  • after opened

    Thank you for coming to the opening reception on December 16th, 2010. I am glad to see many people were able to show up. In the meantime, I wondered who could notice the fact that some of my works were not 100% functioned. I hope nobody…

    opening_at_ACInstitute Front: generate Back: propagate

    Whenever I install propagate, I need to adjust the 16 speakers’ sound levels with a sound meter. This time, I set up the maximum white noise setting as 53.5dB A, which is good level with other sound pieces. The sound volume controls the brightness of LEDs. Therefore, once I finish the setting, it is not easy to gain the volume for a temporary event like an opening reception. Some people have told me that I should separate the volume control for sound and light, for instance, with MAX/MSP or PureData. Yes, it is possible. But I have refused the way to solve the problem digitally and separately. I edit one 16-channel surround sound file with Logic Pro and send the signals to sound i/o to convert to analog signals. The analog signal is its main source =”birth.” The “birth” is a keyword for propagate when I started to create it. The analog sound waves/signals propagate the messages. That’s the main idea of my technical aspect for propagate. I don’t know if this makes sense to other people though…
    Anyway, what I mention here “function” is not about the volume or sound level, but four LEDs in the circular shape.  The LEDs are dimmer than other twelve LEDs.  You might have noticed it in the beginning and ending of sound event. I changed the cables but it didn’t solve the problem. It may be cause of contact between connectors. I don’t know…

    opening_at_ACInstitute Left: reverberate Back: escalate

    A new work for this exhibition which is hanging 13 light tubes from ceiling. It supposed to activate when visitors stand under the structure; the LEDs blinks like “breathing” only when it is activated.  It was fine before the opening reception, but somehow the sensor got noise from something, so that it was always activated during the reception.  Even though I like the way came out, I want to fix it.
    The other problem was the sound from a parametric speaker, which was soft in the circumstance. Well… I should not say “problem,” since this is not the first time to deal with noise from “an opening reception.” I want to ask people to come back in January 2011 when the gallery is quiet.  You will hear what I am singing, especially for people who really know Japanese old folk song. Please find out what the original song is.

    I am going to fix these problems during the gallery holidays. The gallery will be opened at 1 p.m. on January 6th, 2011.  I have already rewritten the program for Arduino Uno that I am using this time. I use “Median” and “Mean” filters in order to get rid of the electric noise.  You will see once you come back. Or may not see any difference since the change will be subtle.

  • Parametric speaker

    I received this parametric speaker kit from Japan a couple of days ago. Parametric speaker, which uses ultrasonic wave, can send a sound to narrower limited area than normal cone speaker. I want to use it in order to imply some intimate feelings with sound in escalate.

    I bought it at Akizukidenshi.com that is one of the best sellers of educational electronic kits in Tokyo area.

    Although the kit was easy to make, I took 4 hours to assemble all of them. I had a lot of distractions in the holiday weekend… FYI: the kit is developed by Tristate in Japan.

    In the diagram, it says the speaker delivers sound signals within 20 degrees.

    To assemble and to develop a new system are so fan. I enjoy the process even I have no enough time to make it. I know escalate at AC Institute will be the first version. It will be upgraded once I figure out more things in the future. Whenever I upgrade the system/technology in a work, I name like oxoxox, 2008-2010. I may never stop to upgrade my work until the work leaves from me.

  • prep for AC Institute

    Finally, I am in the Thanksgiving Day break and will be able to focus on my project at the AC Institute. I am going to show propagate, reverberate, generate and new work… I am going to call it escalate. Actually, it was a tentative name when I submitted the draft to the gallery, but somehow the name was printed on to the press release. I thought it was not accident, but, destiny. So, I let it go.

    I often accept an incident as “destiny,” even one drop of sumi ink on a plain white paper. I try to find a meaning in it. I can’t find the reason sometimes, but I believe there is a reason.

    In the press release, it explains “Ide symbolizes the pathway to death.” with escalate. I wrote its outline, so it is not mistake, but, as one of my audience in general, I wonder “how?”

    My idea of escalate is not something that I have imagined for a long time. It will be based on what I envisioned when I visited the gallery space at the AC Institute and imagined how I create my environment with other works in the space with my personal experience.

    I stop here. It is too early to talk about escalate since I just start to create…

  • AC Institute – Solo Exhibition

    Takafumi Ide / Life is fleeting; therefore, life is beautiful


    • Related event: ARTIST TALK
      Thursday, January 13th, 2011, 6:30pm – 7pm
    • Date:
      December 16th, 2010 – January 22nd, 2011
    • Hours:
      Wed., Fri. & Sat.: 1pm – 6pm, Thurs.: 1pm – 8pm
    • Opening reception:
      Thursday, December 16th, 6pm – 8pm


    This project is supported in part with funds from the Asahi Shimbun Foundation in Japan and the Strategic Opportunity Stipend (SOS) Program through the New York Foundation for the Arts, administered on Long Island by the East End Arts Council.
