takafumi ide

Author: admin

  • Tallinn IV Drawing Triennial

    A long time silence. This thing wakes me up.

    Exhibition announcement:
    My drawing is currently exhibited in Tallinn IV Drawing Triennial, Estonia!

    — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
    Tallinn IV Drawing Triennial / DIALOGUE


    Vabaduse gallery
    23.VIII—4.IX 2012
    Opening 23rd August at 16:00.


    • PEETER ALLIK (Estonia)
    • ANNA LITVINOVA (Estonia)
    • ANU PURRE (Estonia)

    Cellar hall of the gallery of Design and Architecture (Pärnu mnt. 6)
    23.VIII—15.IX 2012
    Opening 23rd August at 18:00.


    • TAKAFUMI IDE (Japan)
    • EVELYN KAWITI (New Zealand)
    • ANDRUS KASEMAA (Estonia)
    • ILLIMAR PAUL (Estonia)
    • MATTI PÄRK (Estonia)
    • UNO ROOSVALT (Estonia)

    Curator: Loit Joekalda.
    — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

  • Update info: disperse, 2007

    Happy New Year 2012, and 謹賀新年、平成24年。

    Since last summer, I could barely work on my art project. Instead, I could work a lot as a full-time worker at Stony Brook University. 🙂

    Once I finished the semester, I thought I could do more and stretch my art fields in different degrees, but it ended up “nothing new” news.

    Recently, I have gotten email that somebody is interested in my sand work that I created in 2007, therefore, I updated the content of “disperse, 2007”. Please go to the link under “work” on the top menu and you can find it. Thank you!!


  • my first Kickstarter project was failed

    Thank you for all of you who made pledges for my Kickstarter project.
     Kickstarter プロジェクトへご協力していただいた方々、本当にありがとうございました。
    Unfortunately, I couldn’t raise the fund up to my goal $1,000 this time…, therefore, your pledges won’t be withdrawn from Amazon Payment.
     残念ながら、今回の寄付の呼びかけは合計プレッジが目標額$1,000には至らず…、よって、Amazon Paymentからの引き落としもないものとなるでしょう。

    I appreciate your help and support.
    The best experience through the Kickstarter project was the fact that I could connect more people whom I have never had chance to know and to be known.

    Thank you very much!


  • drawing for archival prints

    Since 1999, I have used Mac and Wacom Tablet as my drawing tools for archival digital prints. I use Wacom Tablet. This is quite old… Intuos 2, which is still in perfect working condition, and I have no reason to buy new one. A great product!!

    I always take a photograph in order to trace a motif.  When I worked for a monthly periodical “Car Graphic” magazine, I always looked for a nice car. If you are interested in to see my illustration for “Car Graphic” magazine, please visit here: http://cargraphic.takafumiide.com/.

    For the project at Kickstarter.com, my motif is “threshold.”

    I open the photo image, which I took at Stone Quarry Hill Art Park last week, in Photoshop. I trace and draw the motif or subject with brush tool. It often takes about 4 hours to draw the main subject.

    But sometimes I spend more time because I do several jobs in once. More time is better, because I can adjust my eyes. I prefer to have some breaks while I am drawing.

    Here is the image of the middle of process for creating 5 x 7 inch print. I usually trace all the line and add shadows in this process.

    I like how the black color with Brush tools works for my style of drawing. After I finish the all black ink, I add color. I am thinking to add pale green in the background with leaves…

    Let’s see what is going on next!
